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  • +91 98310 38183 / +91 98318 38126
  • Head Office
  • 277, Shanti Pally, Kolkata -700107

Community Health

Rural & Urban Community Health And Awareness

Overview: medical facilities for poor :

The Mission provides medical facilities in both the villages of Sundarbans as well as Kolkata since 1987. The medical service provided by the Mission is through Homeopathy that has least side effects and is most effective for chronic and acute diseases for women and children living in unhealthy slums and streets and also in remote villages.

Urban Medical Programs:

One Mobile clinic reaches to slums and street corners treating an average of 200 + patients every day. There are close to 18 outdoor slum clinics in the city of Kolkata catering to thousands of patients who are most economically deprived. Annually all these outreach medical programs take care of 180,000 patients for free.

Patients Brought From Remote Villages To Kolkata For Treatment

In certain serious cases the patient is brought from the remote villages of Sundarban to Kolkata for the purpose of treatment. One such case is that of Gosaba girl Dipali. She could not walk properly on both feet and on top of that the veins in her eyes were drying up. She was brought to Kolkata and adequate treatment was given to her. Now she can walk with ease with the help of custom made medical shoes from well-known medical appliance manufacturers in Kolkata. Prolonged eye treatment has given her great benefit. She can see much better now. Her eyes have been saved. There are many such people like Dipali who have been receiving such help from the Mission free of charge. The mission in collaboration with the Nihar Munshi Eye foundation provides various eye treatment facilities and operations to the less privileged.

Rural Health Care Projects

  • Village Eye Camps serve 70-80 people per month. Offer free eye testing, eye care education. Refer for advanced eye care, cataract surgeries. Patients sent to Nihar Munsi Eye Foundation for free cataract microsurgery.
  • Health Education Awareness Workshops target topics for women and adolescent girls according to identified local needs. Provide workshops on: Control of water borne diseases, family planning. Arsenic toxicity awareness Polio prevention and education.
  • Blood Group Determination Camp: Ignorance about correct blood group causes severe medical complications. Camp designed to avoid wrong blood administration, damage, and premature death. Serves remote villages in West Bengal. Conducts Blood Group Determination Camps to address problem, raise awareness.
  • Health Workers, Volunteers Provide Health Monitoring, Training: In-house visitation program for pregnant and new mothers. Monitor and care for health issues.
  • Provide education on infant care. Assesses and makes referrals for early treatment. Educate on child development, health issues and disabilities Workshops on mother-child care.