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Baba Lokenath

When the renowned 19th century mystic saint and social reformer Bijoy Krishna Goswami reached the highest altitudes of the snow-capped Himalayan ranges while he had been touring every temple, ashram, pilgrimage centres of the country, he came across secret caves where no ordinary human could ever reach. Entering the depths of the caves by force of his spiritual intuition, Bijoy found a series of ancient looking Yogis seated at one place.

The height of the Yogis while they sat in deep meditation was so tall that they reached the height of Bijoy while he stood there transfixed. Their long matted hair were grouted to the ground like the ancient roots of a banyan tree.

Seeing the Yogis, saint Bijoy knew that their ancient bodies dated back to at least a few thousand years and their secret presence in the Himalayan altitudes were the reason the balance between good and evil in the mortal world was continually being restored, through the vibrational forces of their dynamic aura.

Bijoy fell at their feet and cried , “please grant me thine grace, oh majestic Ones!”

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After his repeated devotional cries, only one amongst them opened their eyes. Thereafter, this grand Yogi spoke thus: “Why have you come so far when a Yogi far greater than our own stature has already descended on earth from here and lives near your own house?” Saying so, he closed his eyes once again.

Bijoy had no idea what he was just told until he met Baba Lokenath Brahmachari.

Baba Lokenath's
Immortal Teaching

Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

Bodhi is the spiritual name given to Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari by his ascended Master, his Guru, Thakur Sri Sri Bhajan Brahmachari on the day of Buddha Purnima, 2019.

In May 1985, he founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission at Bageshwar near Almora in the Himalayas, Uttarakhand and the Temple ashram of Baba Lokenath called Baba Lokenath Dham, the only Himalayan Ashram of Baba Lokenath. The Mission is dedicated to Shiva Incarnate Baba Lokenath to serve every being on earth as veritable manifestation of God

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Words of Pure Bliss

Spiritual Journey
Towards Mental Peace

  • How to Handle Depression
  • How to Overcome Stress
  • Mental Health Tips
  • Guided Meditation
  • Self Improvement
  • Mindfulness Practice
  • Mental Peace

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social welfare of
Lokenath Divine Mission

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"Education is not about making money. It is all about learning the art and science of life to manifest the innate divinity, the ground of infinite possibilities."

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Community Health

LDLM strives to serve the medical needs of underprivileged in villages and slums through homeopathy with least side effects and astounding results.

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Women Empowerment

"Women are embodiment of Shakti, once they awaken the world is a safe haven for all. Empowering them is to remind them of their innate power of patience."

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It is all possible

Due to YOUR support.

Help us to help more, heal more & reach out to more.
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Contribution need not be always monetary. One can always support our mission by sharing his/her knowledge, skill and expertise. Even sharing ideas is a huge contribution. One can support the activities of the mission in different ways.


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Bodhi Youth Fraternity

Who we are?

Bodhi Youth Fraternity is the Youth Unit of Lokenath Divine Life Mission. Its main goal is to lead today’s youth into a life of values, self-confidence, self-esteem, meditation, art, music, writing, positive mindset. These outer aspects of psychological well-being are carefully built upon the aspects of mental strength, self-compassion and self-care. From the very moment a new member joins this group, it is time to say goodbye to stress and negative self-talk.

Mentally strong people experience emotions in a way that ensures eudemonic well-being (happiness experienced from meaning and purpose in life) rather than hedonic well-being. For a youth seeking direction, there are plenty of ways to help. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy, positive affirmations, positive thinking, thought awareness and rational thinking help meet our goals by enhancing emotional intelligence, acceptance, emotional self-regulation, will power, self-efficacy and self-regulated learning.

A student also learns to build new habits and break bad ones by practicing self-regulation. The students share warm and responsive relationships where they learn to focus their mind on the simple psychology- “Love is everything”. Mindfulness based stress reduction activities help reduce brain chatter, cope with depression, sleep issues, substance misuse, mood swings and helps cope with symptoms related to mood swings, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, trauma, self-harm and suicide— the teenagers and young adults undergo mindfulness based cognitive therapy in everything they do. Taking a walk in nature may lead to improved immunity, spiritual meditation and contemplative prayer—aiding in relaxation. One is taught not to repress emotions but to release, as emotions are powerful. Journaling, drawing, coloring are ways that give the mind the feeling of home. The students apply Mindfulness to the creatice process and learn that well-being is a skill. “Where attention goes energy flows”—thereby, body awareness, mantra meditation, body scan meditation, loving kindness meditation, visualization meditation, gardening, moon gazing reduce aggression and insomnia amongst teens encouraging positive coping strategies.

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Self awareness, Mindfulness & Confidence building

When we think of stability in life, what comes first in our minds is physical and mental health. Although the two are grossly interlinked, one can achieve good physical health by regular exercise and yoga,

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Instilling creativity in youth group

This symbiotic youth group spreads its wings gracefully with the help of Happiness Habit. We express heartfelt gratitude to all without a spec of judgement.

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Youth and Yoga

Bodhi says, “The notion of individuality stands on the ground of egoic-mind. As long as you are working from the plane of mind you will feel as if you are separate from all that is.

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Youth serving elderly people

We visited the Matriashram Old Age Home, in Konnagar on 17th October, 2020. We found the same problems of ageism to be prevalent there as well.

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Youth Serving Community

Amartya, a teenager who suffers from schizophrenia had immense issues in relating to the people around him.

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Youth & animal care

Bodhi Youth Fraternity hosts members who are not only creative, meditative,mindful or practice yoga but are also ardent lovers of animals.Two of the members , Sudeshna and Sampurna rescue

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question and answer
Bodhi is always there for you

Bodhi: So long you don’t forgive, you are chewing the past memories of pain and hurt. Anger and stress become your companion. Now who is losing? You have to forgive to unchain and release yourself from the prison of your own memory cell. By forgiving, you are not showing your generosity to other, you are attaining freedom from self inflicted hurt and anger. Love and light!

what you are saying is your personal experience or opinion. The moment you say that only one guru is right and all other wrong, only one religion is right and all other religions are wrong, only one path or technique is right and all other techniques are wrong, you are a closed book. Spirituality does not talk this closed mind words. Did you see the fundamentalists in Islam believe that only Islam is right all other are wrong, this is fundamentalism. Truth is no one’s property. It is beyond human control.

It took so long just because the site was again reconstructed and i had to wait till they share with me the key to unlock this portal to read questions and answer. Now we are all set. Q&A fun would continue. As we have now a stable website. Now, to answer your Q in simple words, if you understand what is bhakti and what is dharma, things should become clear chicken or egg first riddle!!

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Bodhi's touch
Changed my Life

Lokenath Divine Life Mission

Baba Lokenath temple and Lokenath Divine Life Mission ashram was established in Shanti Pally, Kasba, Kolkata in 2009 by Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari to spread the immortal teaching of Baba Lokenath among all. Here you will witness the magnetic presence of Baba Lokenath in pure white marble. One can easily feel meditative calm and a sense of assurance that Baba Lokenath is taking care and there is nothing to worry but let go all of worries and tension to him and focus on day to day mindful living. When Bodhi is in Kolkata he is available for the devotees and conducts meditation and enlightening Satsang to dispel all negativity on every Tuesday and Saturday for a few hours in the evening.

The ashram is open for all in the morning from 9 to 11am and in the evening from 4 to 7.30pm. All of you are invited to visit our ashram.

LDLM Latest Update

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Lokenath Tirodhan Utsav

Due to Covid imposed Lockdown, Baba Lokenath’s Mahasamadhi Smaranautsav was celebrated not with the grand festivities, mass feeding of bhog prasadam to thousands of devotees...

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Yaas cyclone relief work

26 May 2021, as cyclone Yaas hit the coast of Bay of Bengal to the south of Kolkata, there was massive damage and within a few hours, the entire Sundarbans, its islands, were flooded

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To know more about humanitarian activities of this Mission of Loke-Seva and Baba Lokenath, Thakur, Agartala Ma and Bodhi and his Guru Parampara, Please subscribe to the following E-Bulletins:

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Published every month from Lokenath Divine Life Fellowship, Chicago USA — a quick read for you to know about Baba Lokenath’s Teachings, and Activities of the Mission and blogs from Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa. Subscribe to find it in your own mail box. It is Free

A daily Quote of inspiration and motivation for a healthy and happy life from the heart of Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa to your email Inbox directly. Published from US Center of Course in Mindfulness, Chicago. You can also share emails of your friends to be added to the mail list for auto-delivery to the email inbox. It is Free

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Baba Lokenath

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Baba Lokenath

“What ever you give to poor and neglected, I shall receive it” ~~ Baba Lokenath

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Baba Lokenath Explains True Essence Of Gita

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